Reactive metabolite screening

Reactive metabolite screening

Studying potential toxicity of metabolites

No compound with potential toxicity should be administered to humans. One of the mechanisms that can make a metabolite to be toxic is its chemical reactivity after their formation. Once the metabolic reaction has occurred in the biological system a new chemical species is formed. This new chemical can have a propensity to react with the components in the biological matrix producing a toxic response.

The study of the chemical behavior is done during the Drug Discovery in the Reactive Metabolite screening. Basically, it is based on the addition of chemical agents that would react to the potentially risky chemical groups formed during the metabolism of the xenobiotics, like glutatationne, cyanide, methoxylamine, etc.

We have developed multiple workflows that use the Mass Spectral characteristics of the chemical groups like the specific neutral losses, fragment ions, radio trace or fluorescence analysis produced by these groups could produce depending on the reactant used in the study.

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