Most of the metabolism workflows imply the analysis of multiple samples, like multiple incubation times, multiple matrix, or multiple conditions. Therefore, in addition of the automation of the single analysis steps (peak detection and metabolite structure elucidation) we have also developed tools that automatize the parsing and clustering of the results from multiple sample experiments storing the results that ensure the integrity of the original data as well as the steps used to get to the final reports. The overall process now can be now done without human intervention, reducing the demand of experts’ time of the analysis of a single analysis, and increasing the throughput of the experiments providing more information to the projects that can take better and faster drug design decisions.
- Protac metabolism on multiple Matrix
- The use of Ion Mobility data for Metabolite Identification
- Soft spot assay. How to develop a quick Metabolic liability analysis method
- Metabolite Identification for a family of compounds and cytochrome reaction monitoring
- Metabolite Identification of small molecules.
- Metabolite ID workflow analysis
- Comparison of different software tools to Soft Spot analysis
- In-vivo Metabolite Identification
- Metabolite Identification workflow for small molecules
- Kinetic analysis during the metabolite identification process.
- Multipurpose DMPK workflow: Metabolite Identification and GSh conjugation