

Batch, autoprocess and WebMetabase connection 
  • Sample List: The user can start the computation from a MassMetaSIte sample list that can be manually or WebMetabase generatedThe sample list is used to associate the acquired file or sample with experimental condition, and in the case of WebMetabase condition with the WebMetabase ID that is the identifier of the experiment inside the system. The batch can run multiple samples (rows) in parallel accelerating the analysis of the data. 
  • AutoProcess: This procedure instead of using a sample list to associate the file names to the experimental conditions as in the previous methodology, it uses a naming policy on the file names that embed the information about the conditions in the name of the file. The AutoProcess system expects a certain file name and when the file it is copied in a predefined folder the computation starts automatically without human intervention. 
  • MMS within WMB: A new way to automatize the MassMetaSite procedure is to run it directly in WebMetabase starting from the same sample list that is used in the instrument for acquisition and a predefined Template of the protocol. In this process, the expected file that is selected from the acquisition sample list only needs to be copied in a pre-defined folder or the sample to appear in the UNIFI Analysis.