Search engine
WebMetabase has a system search into the database a set of experiments that fulfill multiple search conditions. The search workflow starts with the definition of the search criteria by selecting any of the parameters (Experimental or Compound). For each of the selected parameters a new condition is shown in the Search parameters pane and the suer can choose the pattern condition to be fulfil.
Additionally, the user in the Search parameter can select the scope of the search within the pending or the approved experiments. Moreover, the user can search within a search domain defined by the results from a previous saved search. When multiple conditions are applied, the user can combine the parameters using a AND/OR operator. After all conditions are set the user could either save the search criteria selected by clicking the Save button or run the search by selecting the Experiment selection option in the Show results as section and click Next. Alternatively, the user can select a saved search from the Search tools panel and click Next to continue.
Experiment parameters
- Batch name: to select the batch name.
- Protocol name: to select the protocol name.
- Compound name: to select the compound name.
- Property: to select the property as a search criterion to be shown in the Search Criteria panel. The property can be selected from the list of predefined ones in a drop-down menu. The value of the property can be selected from one of the existing values.
- Owner: to select the owner.
- Editing date: to select the editing date.
- Substrate fragment: to select a substrate/parent sub fragment as a search criterion. Draw a fragment in the editor.

- Folder: to select the folder as a search criterion. There are 3 options that can be selected:
- In folder and sub folders: The search is performed inside the folder branch selected considering all the sub-folders.
- In folder: The search is only done in the selected folder.
- Outside folder: The search is performed outside the folder branch selected.
- Experiment flag: to select the experimental flag as a search criterion.
- Protocol label: to select the protocol label as a search criterion.
- Workgroup: to select the workgroup as a search criterion.
- Setting: to select the MassMetaSite settings as a search criterion.
- Substrate fragment: to select a substrate/parent sub fragment as a search criterion. Draw a fragment in the editor.
Compound parameters
- Metabolite fragment: to select a metabolite sub fragment as a search criterion.
- Metabolite group: to select the metabolite group as a search criterion.
- Reaction: to select the reaction as a search criterion.
- Metabolite name: to select the metabolite name as a search criterion.
- CCS (Collision Cross Section): to select the CCS as a search criterion.