Automated workflow

Automated workflow

From raw data to process information in the same interface 

WebQuant provides multiple options to automatize the data processing, starting from the reading of the raw data files from the vendor to the automatic peak finding, integration and reaching the data consolidation and reporting. The system may start from the same sample list used in the data acquisition and the experiment definition and it will process multiple samples in parallel to minimize the time to reach the final experiment.  

Flexible experiment definition 

The user can define any kind of experiments that may combine replications, multiple incubation time points, multiple species, etc… One experiment will be composed for several samples that will be cover the combination of conditions that are used in the experiment. The system will process each sample at a time and then it will consolidate all the process data into a single experiment that will be analyzed as a single unit. 

The flexibility in the definition of the computations to be done is reflected on the templates that can be associated to actions. “Actions” are defined as a set of predefined execution that are applied to an experiment associated to a protocol that is considered in the template. The user can define the action to be done by clicking on the Add button a new window will pop-up.

Template definition: End point action 


The new window is a excel type of application where there are 2 pages already defined: 

  • Data: This sheet contains the information about the experiment and will show the analysis variables as tables. Each table would be for 1 analysis variable and the rows will be the Time for the incubations, the columns will be the Area for the different replications and for the internal standard. The information in the cells of the area and internal standard will be automatically populated when the action is executed after processing the raw data. The values for the information variables are also added at the end of the table. This sheet is not editable by the user. 
  • End Point: This sheet will contain the name of the variables of type end point. the user can edit the values to be assigned to the End point variables but adding a value/formula as needed 

The user can add as many sheets to the workbook as they are necessary. The user will be able edit these extra sheets as needed. The cells in these pages behave like a excel page and the values in each cell can refer to the data in the Data sheet. Also, the excel formulas are available to be used in this system. A detail description of the formulas that can be used can be found at: